J. A. González, F. J. Rodríguez Cortés, E. Romano, J. Mateu
Spatial point pattern analysis usually concerns identifying features in an observation window where there is also noise. This identification traditionally begins with studying the second-order properties of the point pattern, and it may be done locally by using local second-order characteristics (LISA). Some properties of this local structure solve the problem of classification into feature and clutter points. This paper proposes an estimator for local pair correlation LISA functions, discusses some of its properties and considers a particular distance to measure dissimilarities. Two classification procedures to separate feature from clutter points are described. One of them adopts multidimensional scaling and support vector machines, and the other employs bagged clustering. Simulations demonstrate the performance of the method, and it is applied to a dataset concerning earthquakes in a seismic nest located in Colombia.
Palabras clave: Bagged clustering; Bucaramanga nest; Local indicator of spatial associa- tion; Multidimensional scaling; Pair correlation function; Spatial point process; Support Vector Machine.
Sesión Invitada Sociedad Colombiana de Estadística. Estadística Espacial para datos funcionales
7 de junio de 2022 18:40
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