U. Pérez-Goya, A. Fernández Militino, L. Ugarte
Multispectral satellite images are valuable sources of information for agriculture climatologists or environmentalists, but it is also an excellent experimental ground for statisticians. However, handling satellite images represents a challenge for various reasons, such as the product’s diversity and formats, web-service’s sharing protocols, memory management, and processing complexity. In this talk, we show the potential of rsat package to download, customize, and process satellite images. The packages can retrieve the relevant imagery from several satellite programs for a specific region and timespan in a centralized and standardized way. Once the images are stored in your local hard drive, the package provides tools for processing the images using efficient and semi-automatic techniques. Finally, the package includes an implementation of the interpolation of mean anomalies (IMA), which is a new statistical procedure for filling data gaps caused by clouds.
Palabras clave: remote, sensing, satellite, images, rsat
Sesión Invitada SOCEIO+ Comunidad R Hispano. El ecosistema R en el contexto Big Data
9 de junio de 2022 17:10
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