M. P. Bohorquez Castañeda, A. M. Forero Sanabria, J. Mateu Mahiques, R. R. Renteria Ramos
This paper provides new tools for analyzing spatio-temporal event networks. We build time series of directed event networks for a set of spatial distances, and the spatial distance that generates the strongest change of event network connections is selected. we also propose an empirical random network event generator (ERGEN) to detect significant motifs throughout time. This generator preserves the spatial configuration but randomizes the order of the occurrence of events. To prevent the large number of links from masking the count of motifs, we use standardized counts of motifs at each time slot. Our method is able to detect interaction radius in space, builds time series of networks, and describes changes in its topology over time, by means of identification of different types of motifs that allows for the understanding of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the phenomena. We illustrate our methodology by analyzing thefts occurred in Medellin (Colombia) for the years 2003 to 2015.
Palabras clave: Complex System, Motif, Network, Spatio-temporal events, Time series of event networks
GT19 Estadística Espacio Temporal
7 de junio de 2022 12:00
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