F. J. Esquivel, J. M. Angulo, G. Christakos
‘Sysketogram’ and ‘contingogram’ have been proposed as alternative measures to covariance and variogram for quantifying dependence using the information of the two-dimensional distributions corresponding to different pairs of space-time coordinates. These measures can be seen as particular cases of the divergence-based Tsallis mutual information. In this work, among other properties it is found that invariance with respect to nonlinear transformations of the space-time domain holds for any value of the deformation parameter, suggesting the consideration of a general formulation of these informational measures of dependence.
Palabras clave: Contingogram, Dependece, Space–time processes, Sysketogram, Tsallis mutual information
Estadística Espacial y Espacio temporal II
7 de junio de 2022 16:50
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