Ramón Álvarez-Valdés Olaguíbel Ramón Álvarez-Valdés Olaguíbel
Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa
Universitat de València

Full Professor in the Department of Statistics and Operational Research at the University of Valencia. He was dean of the Faculty of Mathematics in the period 1994-1996, Director of the Department of Statistics and Operational Research in the period 1999-2005 and Director of the Master's Degree in Planning and Management of Business Processes in the period 2008-2016. Coordinator of the Planning and Logistics Group (GPL), dedicated to research and applications in Optimization problems. His main areas of research are Port Logistics, Cutting and Packing Problems, Production Scheduling, Project Scheduling, timetabling Problems. In all of them he is the author of a good number of papers in international journals and has been Principal Investigator of numerous research projects. The GPL group has also developed applications for companies with production problems, scheduling and worker shifts.

Alan E. Gelfand Alan E. Gelfand
Department of Statistical Science
Duke University

Professor Emeritus in Statistical Sciences at the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences at Duke University and visiting professor at Harvard University, Sidney University, University of Washington, Nottingham University, etc. He has been an elected member of the ASA, the International Statistical Institute, the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Institute for Mathematical Statistics, and the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (of which he is former president). He has been awarded with the ASA Distinguished Research Medal, in the Statistics and Environment section, and the Parzen Prize, among others. He has a very extensive scientific career with very relevant contributions in the field of Spatial and environmental Statistics, Hierarchical Models, Bayesian Statistics, etc., with more than 300 publications and having supervised more than 30 doctoral theses, being recognized as one of the ten most cited mathematicians in the world in the period 1991-2001. His extensive editorial work in prestigious journals such as the Journal of American Statistical Association, Bernoulli, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Spatial Statistics and, in particular, in the TEST journal of the Society for Statistics and Operations Research, to whose editorial team he currently belongs, stands out.

María Ángeles Gil Álvarez María Ángeles Gil Álvarez

Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y Didáctica de la Matemática
Universidad de Oviedo

Full Professor in Statistics and Operations Research at the University of Oviedo since 1992. She has a degree in Mathematics (specialized in Statistics and OR) at the University of Valladolid and a doctorate in Sciences (Mathematics) from the University of Oviedo. Her initial research was related to quantification and statistical studies of information and inequality measures. Subsequently, her research was oriented towards the statistical analysis of imprecise data (mainly with set or fuzzy set values) and its applications, a topic on which she continues researching through various projects. She was co-editor of the journal TEST (2005-2008) and is a member of the editorial boards of six international journals. She got the Silver medal of the Principado de Asturias in 2014 and is IFSA Fellow since 2015.

Justo Puerto Albandoz Justo Puerto Albandoz
Instituto Universitario de Investigación Matemática (IMUS)
Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa
Universidad de Sevilla

Justo Puerto is Full Professor at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of Seville since 2001. He obtained his doctorate degree in 1990 and during his academic life he has been a visiting professor at numerous universities and research centers. He was one of the promoters and co-founder of the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Sevilla (IMUS) being its secretary from its creation in 2007 to 2015 and its director from October 2021. During the period 2010-2016 he was also the coordinator of the doctoral program in Mathematics at the University of Seville. Currently he is also the US coordinator for the creation of the Andalusian Institute for Mathematical Research (IAMAT). Between 2015 and 2018 he was a member of ANEP and AEI in the area of ​​mathematics. Since 1993 he has been uninterruptedly principal investigator of 9 research projects of the national research plans in the area of ​​mathematics. He has participated in several European projects and was principal investigator of integrated actions with Germany and Italy, within the special action programs of the national research plans. His core research topics include Location Theory, discrete and multiobjective optimization, and game theory. In recent years he has specialized in the analysis of complex networks, logistics and machine learning in data analysis. His interest in bringing mathematical knowledge to industry has led him to lead a good number of transfer projects with companies.

Dennis Ramondt Dennis Ramondt
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)

Dennis Ramondt is a member of the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Netherlands (CBS) and is Coordinator of the Privacy Preservation Techniques project of the UNECE High Level Group for the Modernization of Official Statistics.

Latest news

  • 6/8/22
    Visit Alhambra

    Tomorrow, Thursday, we will visit the Alhambra. 1. At 7:00 p.m., buses will start leaving from the door of the Hotel Granada Center (in front of the door of the Faculty of Sciences) 2. Upon arrival, groups with guides will be organized. 3. There will be groups in English language. These groups will wait at the destination until the arrival of all buses. 4. After the visit to the Alhambra we will walk to the Carmen de los Mártires to have a cocktail. 5. On the way back, we can go back by bus, which will leave from the same place where they left us at the Alhambra. 6. Although the way to the Alhambra by bus seems long, it really is close to the city. We invite you, whoever wishes, to go down for a pleasant walk. 7. Do not forget to take your Alhambra ticket and your identity card or passport. The document must be the same whose number matches the ticket number you have.

  • 5/31/22
    YouTube Channel

    The menu label is already on the web from where you can see the live broadcasts: inauguration, plenary sessions, round tables,... Don't forget to enter the YouTube channel and subscribe!!!!

  • 5/27/22
    Gala Dinner

    It opens the possibility that anyone who is registered for the conference, and wants non-registered companions to attend the gala dinner, can do so by paying the price of this dinner (80 euros VAT included). This payment must be made before June 1 (inclusive). To do this, contact with [email protected]

  • 5/23/22

    To access the Alhambra on the visit on Thursday 9, it is obligatory to present the identification document whose reference was sent to the organization (eurocongress)

  • 5/16/22
    Social Events

    All social events are included with the payment of the corresponding registration.

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