N. Torrado Robles, A. Arriaza Gómez, J. Navarro
The present work studies the effect of redundancies on the reliability of coherent systems formed by modules. Different redundancies at components’ level versus redundancies at modules’ level are investigated, including active and standby redundancies. The new model takes into account the dependence among the components, as well as, the dependence among the modules of the system. In both cases, the dependence structure is modeled by copula functions. Several results are provided to compare systems consisting of heterogeneous components. The comparisons are distribution-free with respect to the components. In particular, we consider the cases when the components in the modules are independent and connected (or not) in series, and when the components are dependent within the modules. In both cases, it is assumed that the modules can be dependent. Furthermore, the case in which the components in each module are identically distributed (dependent or independent) is also considered.
Palabras clave: stochastic comparisons, reliability theory, dependent components
GT12 Ordenaciones Estocásticas y sus Aplicaciones II
8 de junio de 2022 16:00