A. Saavedra-Nieves, E. Algaba Duran, P. Saavedra Nieves
The identification of cells in a terrorist network help to the surveillance means to efficiently identify the most operational members within the network, with the aim of destabilize the network and preventing potential attacks. In this talk we introduce a novel game theoretic approach that requires of the identification of those existing coalitional structures of players in networks. Based on clustering-graph techniques, it involves the estimation of solutions for TU games as the Owen value. The main advantage of this approach is that the internal organization of the terrorist network can be naturally justified from well-known clustering techniques that reflects, under several criteria, a communication structure. As an application, a ranking of the terrorists belonging to Zerkani network, responsible for the attacks in Paris (2015) and Brussels (2016), can be directly established.
Palabras clave: TU games, graph-based clustering, partition, Owen value, ranking
GT02 Teoría de Juegos I. Teoría de juegos, comunicación y repartos
9 de junio de 2022 10:10