J. Freixas Bosch
We propose a simple method of undoing tiebreaks in sport competitions with a large number of competitors and relatively small number of rounds of competition. Such methods are common in many games including Chess, Go, Bridge or Scrabble, among others. Tie-breaking methods decide in strict order the prizes to be received. One of the most commonly used methods is the well-known Buchholz method, based on the arithmetic mean of the scores obtained by the opponents. The alternative method that we propose in this work, which is quite close to the median of the scores obtained by the opponents, is also a weighted average of the opponents' scores, whose weights are based on the binomial distribution. The main objective of the article is to compare the proposed method with that of Buchholz, highlighting the many advantages over it.
Palabras clave: Scoring systems, tie-breaks, ordered weighted averages, Buchholz's method
GT02 Teoría de Juegos I. Teoría de juegos, comunicación y repartos
9 de junio de 2022 10:10