M. Sánchez Sánchez, A. Suárez Llorens, Á. Berihuete

Dada la necesidad de encontrar modelos matemáticos para pronosticar la evolución de la pandemia de COVID-19, en este trabajo utilizaremos la inferencia bayesiana en un proceso de Poisson no homogéneo con una función de intensidad basada en la curva de Gompertz. Utilizando este modelo de Gompertz junto con los conocimientos previos disponibles sobre el coronavirus SARS-COV-2, obtendremos una distribución previa de los parámetros subyacentes. Después, obtendremos la distribución a posteriori utilizando métodos MCMC para pronosticar el número de nuevos casos de COVID-19 en intervalos de tiempo en un futuro cercano desde una perspectiva bayesiana. Finalmente, utilizando la información oficial facilitada por el gobierno de España, mostraremos un ejemplo particular de previsiones en diferentes momentos de la pandemia.

Keywords: Inferencia Bayesiana, curva de Gompertz, COVID-19, Proceso de Poisson no homogeneo, distribución a priori.


Bayesian methods
June 7, 2022  4:50 PM
Audiovisual room

Other papers in the same session

Approximate Bayesian Inference with Implicit Stochastic Processes

S. Rodríguez Santana, B. Zaldívar, D. Hernández Lobato

Nuevas estrategias para estimar los parámetros de la GPD

M. Martínez Pizarro, J. Martín Jiménez, E. López Sanjuán, M. I. Parra Arévalo

Latest news

  • 6/8/22
    Visit Alhambra

    Tomorrow, Thursday, we will visit the Alhambra. 1. At 7:00 p.m., buses will start leaving from the door of the Hotel Granada Center (in front of the door of the Faculty of Sciences) 2. Upon arrival, groups with guides will be organized. 3. There will be groups in English language. These groups will wait at the destination until the arrival of all buses. 4. After the visit to the Alhambra we will walk to the Carmen de los Mártires to have a cocktail. 5. On the way back, we can go back by bus, which will leave from the same place where they left us at the Alhambra. 6. Although the way to the Alhambra by bus seems long, it really is close to the city. We invite you, whoever wishes, to go down for a pleasant walk. 7. Do not forget to take your Alhambra ticket and your identity card or passport. The document must be the same whose number matches the ticket number you have.

  • 5/31/22
    YouTube Channel

    The menu label is already on the web from where you can see the live broadcasts: inauguration, plenary sessions, round tables,... Don't forget to enter the YouTube channel and subscribe!!!!

  • 5/27/22
    Gala Dinner

    It opens the possibility that anyone who is registered for the conference, and wants non-registered companions to attend the gala dinner, can do so by paying the price of this dinner (80 euros VAT included). This payment must be made before June 1 (inclusive). To do this, contact with [email protected]

  • 5/23/22

    To access the Alhambra on the visit on Thursday 9, it is obligatory to present the identification document whose reference was sent to the organization (eurocongress)

  • 5/16/22
    Social Events

    All social events are included with the payment of the corresponding registration.

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