F. Parreño Torres, R. Alvarez-Valdes, C. Parreño-Torres
The operator of the French electricity transmission system should plan the maintenance operations, some interventions require the power supply to be cut off, guaranteening the electricity supply. The risk values are calculated for different future scenarios. Our optimization problem is the following: given the risk values, the goal is to find an optimal planning regarding a risk-based objective. Moreover, this planning must be consistent with all job-related restrictions such as resource constraints. The objective function includes the average risk, over time and scenarios, and a measure of the cost variability, expressed by a quantile of the risks. Our approach generates first a set of good solutions by solving integer linear models whose objective functions are approximations of the actual objective. These solutions then go through an improvement phase, which includes a VNS and a PR algorithm. The computational study shows that the procedure obtains high quality solutions.
Keywords: integer programming; maintenance planning; metaheuristic algorithms; VNS;
Invited Session APDIO-SEIO. Operations Research and Sustainability
June 7, 2022 6:40 PM